We were also permitted to go to the temple with the ward, its the 15 year annivesary of the guayaquil temple right now. So that was super cool, it was my first time here going, we got to help out with the ordinances and some new converts do their own names. That was super sweet to see them enjoy doing the work even though all of this is brand new to them. It was a super beautiful night.
We met a new investigator named Antonio hes 19 and super cool. He doesnt go to church but likes to study the bible so hes got a bunch of interesting questions. When we started to teach him, we were about to start about the restoration, but he asked "How does one join your church". So we went straight to the gospel of christ to give him his answer, and he accepted to be baptized the 16th. He came to church yesterday and liked it, he was participating in Elders Quorum so it was cool. Yesterday we taught him the restoration, and he had doubts about almost every part, but after he asked his sincere questions he was basically like that makes so much sense. And especially about the book of mormon, he was super critical at first but by the end he was super animated to read it.
I really liked chapter 13 of Nephi I read this week. Its basically about the Apostasy that would come, how the devil would change everything and confuse everyone. The verse 32 is a good promise though.
Neither will the Lord God suffer that the Gentiles shall foreverremain in that awful state of blindness, which thou beholdest theyare in, because of the plain and most precious parts of the gospel ofthe Lamb which have been kept back by that abominable church,whose formation thou hast seen.
We need not remain in this blindless, its such a blessing that we have these PLAIN and precious things right their in the book of mormon. Its so plain for us, we dont need to interpret it like every feels they need to do with the bible. People who are really searching for the truth have it right there. The main man Antonio for example, who is an honest seeker of the truth and knowledge, now can open their eyes thanks to this promise of God. How beautiful is that.
I want you all to know that even though you get to go to dodger games and to the beach and what not, I really dont miss any of that at all. Ha just kidding it kills me to see all of your freaking pictures. Ha but seriously Im super happy being here and to see that youre all happy wasting your time with worldly things. Que pasen muyy buena semana chaoooooo
Elder Crisp
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