Weve been stressing ourselves to really find people by the spirit, not just talking to whoever but contacting those who we are led to. Its been interesting and weve had some good conversations, a lot better than those when were just going through the motions with contacting. The thing i realized is that none of the people that I have taught that were baptized, were found through contacting, theyve all been from members. Which isnt a bad thing, but it means that there has been people Ive missed, thats unacceptable to me. ha.
Last night, the parents of Lucho, an investigator of ours who is still waiting for a interview for baptism from president, invited us for dinner and it was really neat. They are super duper Christians. I say christians cause i dont know what theyd be called in america, Here theyre called Evangelicos which would mean gospelists. So ya they were telling us about how theyre son was converted with the BoM. That it was day and night, he woke up after having read the BoM and was a completely new person. They said that they know it has to be the word of God, We have to have been sent from God for him to be converted. Cause really he already is converted. We found out he has been holding FHE with his parents to read the BoM with them. the only problem is they cant accept that theyre pastor isnt a prophet, they "cant" leave their church. But I can see that they are slowing being worked on by the SPirit and the whole family will come around.
Thats just a small testimony of how powerful that book is. I truly now see that its true that it brings people closer to god than any other. It cant be denied if it is read with an open heart. It came straight from God, and there is nothing more important on earth if one wants to be brought to a true testimony of how to gain salvation.
Con Amor,
Elder Crisp
With the zone and Pres sist Amaya
Check out my awkward pose trying to aviod contact with the sister
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